The one trait every billionaire has

I’m Steve Sorensen, and I love reading and discussing business with friends and strangers. However, I must say that many of the people I converse with don’t really see the bigger picture. By bigger picture, I mean people don’t realize just how much the CEOs of the largest companies in the world go through to get where they are. Image Source: Countless of today’s billionaires weren’t born billionaires. In fact, they went through years of frustration and anguish, failures and setbacks and heartbreaks, to be where they are now. For a lot of them, it was never about getting rich quick. While the Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and Richard Bransons of the world all have different personalities and all have overcome different test and trials, they all did so because of one trait – persistence. Without persistence, no one would be successful. If you’re the type of person who bows out of an endeavor or a project because you believe it won’t be worth your effo...