Investing strategies for beginners

Investment is a good way to prepare for the future as it provides income that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. There are many ways to begin your road to investing, such as bonds, mutual bonds, stocks, real estate, and more. Investment strategist, Steve Sorensen, explains some investing strategies for those who are just testing the waters in the game. Image source: Beef up your 401k account : Make the most of what’s available by setting up a 401k account. A 401k account is not subject to federal taxes until you find the time to withdraw it, which means that you will retain all your deposits for a long time. Steve Sorensen says that many employers offer match programs in which they can match the amount of money in a zero-risk manner. Invest money that you won’t need for the next five years : Investments can either go sour or reaps loads of money in the long run. Traditional investments such as the IRA are forgiving on early withdrawals and you can’t take ou...